Hopefully this day just flies by. Would be SUPER nice to just be gone today, at home I mean. I was thinking about taking the day off tomorrow but everyone else is working so I might as well just come to work and putter away at things. Excited for lunch today, leftover stir fry is going to be super tasty!
Breakfast included a Kashi Granola Bar and a Cup o' Joe.
When I get a chance today I'm going to call about some courses to be an Aquatic Leader at our pool and hopefully change career paths by Christmas, this office lifestye just isn't for me anymore, need something with #1 More activity and #2 little more substance. Not to mention that it seems like these positions that are being offered right now do actually have a lot of opportunity for growth and extra hours plus great benefits and perks. Pretty much made up my mind, as long as there is room in the courses, if all goes well then I can be in a new full-time position by Novemeber, and possibly a part-time one before hand while I accquire the coruses. Would still work here until I can get the full-time hours there but would be nice to have that little extra for both cause I would be taking a BIT of a pay cut, literally by like $100 bucks a month though.
Planning to go to the Y tonight for a swim, I think you have to be able to swim a minimum # of lengths for the Aquatic positions so need to start building some endurance there. Should be interesting, haven't really done much swimming lately. Lunch; Left over WokBox Kung Pao Stir Fry (Shrimp, Bok Choy, Red Peppers, Broccoli, Celery & Rice) I REALLY wish they offered brown rice instead of just the plain ole white rice, it has NO nutriontial value AT ALL and really bothers me. Maybe I will send off an email to the Wok Box Managers, I think it's important to have variety in places.
Update Later.
Dinner included; Whole wheat noodles with Garlic Cream Sauce and Diced Chicken + Garden Salad w/ Ranch Dressing.
Well I didn't get to do my swim, mother nature told me no. Once that's over and done with I'm planning to go 4-5 x per week. I tried to call about courses this afternoon but they were super busy and she was suppose to call me back but never got around to it, I'll have to call again tomorrow.
SO! I found out that an Ex-bf has just moved into town. Hadn't talked to him in a long time so we decided to get together for coffee and catch up. Wow.. What a different person. Have to say he's not the person I remember him at all, and not at all for the better. He's turned into one of these know it all people who talk and talk and talk but they really have no idea what they are even talking about. Just wants to boast about his life and try to make himself look good, when in reality he didn't even have much to talk about. Kind of made me appreciate where I'm at with love and relationships as well as work. Just feel super lucky, which is good, so it wasn't an entirely bad experience. Bed Time.